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--> pathétique
c pathétique.yokoan et link arrêtez d'emmerder tout le monde!
Ecrit par ariri, le Samedi 9 Avril 2005, 18:53 dans la rubrique .

Commentaires :

09-04-05 à 18:55

on emmerde pas on casse et c vous qui m avait fait chier ds vque je suis arriver !

09-04-05 à 18:57


ouai ta gueule la blondasse

09-04-05 à 18:57


et puis c la même chose! personne t'oblige a continuer link!

09-04-05 à 18:59

Re: Re:

j été la bien avant que tu ni arrive ! alor tu ne c pas se qui mon fait !

09-04-05 à 19:00

Re: Re: Re:

ouai alor retourne jouer a la poupé

09-04-05 à 19:01

Re: Re:

ha! ferme la yokoan!D'abord mes cheveux sont châtains et au moins j'ai pas un iceberg sur la tête moi!

09-04-05 à 19:01

Re: Re: Re:

mais moi je vous ai rien fais alors pk vous vous acharnez sur moi hein?

09-04-05 à 19:04

Re: Re: Re: Re:

on dirai pa ke t chatain tu lé a passer dan la cuvette d chiote aprés ke ta mere y soi passer et enkor el avai c régle kar ta lé pointe d cheveu rouge

29-11-05 à 16:25

Dear Webmaster,

I have some good websites, whose resource pages are with good page rank by Google.
I am looking to exchanging links. We have many categories,
so your site will be place on an appropriate page.

If you are interested in swaping links please send me your website details.
I am sorry if I wasting your time and have a nice day!

Best Regards,
Quintana Nellis

09-04-05 à 19:02

Re: Re: Re:

c pa ma coiffure g sui bocou plus bo ke ca

09-04-05 à 19:02

Re: Re: Re: Re:

et ben kesski te fais dire que je suis comme ca moi aussi!

29-11-05 à 16:24

Dear Webmaster,

I have some good websites, whose resource pages are with good page rank by Google.
I am looking to exchanging links. We have many categories,
so your site will be place on an appropriate page.

If you are interested in swaping links please send me your website details.
I am sorry if I wasting your time and have a nice day!

Best Regards,
Quintana Nellis

29-11-05 à 16:25

Dear Webmaster,

I have some good websites, whose resource pages are with good page rank by Google.
I am looking to exchanging links. We have many categories,
so your site will be place on an appropriate page.

If you are interested in swaping links please send me your website details.
I am sorry if I wasting your time and have a nice day!

Best Regards,
Quintana Nellis

09-04-05 à 19:02

Re: Re: Re:

a ton humour il drole ! ah ah ah o moin lui il resemble pas a 1 truie ! yokoan c mon frére alor mesure tes paroles !

09-04-05 à 19:04

Re: Re: Re: Re:

na je plaisante pas et puis d'abord tu m'as jamais vu crétin je m'en vais d'ici vous êtes des connards!

09-04-05 à 19:05

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

tan mieu ! tu prend tro de place ! sur se site !

09-04-05 à 19:06

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

enkor eureu ke g te jamai vu gen ferai d cochemar povr salope

29-11-05 à 16:25

Dear Webmaster,

I have some good websites, whose resource pages are with good page rank by Google.
I am looking to exchanging links. We have many categories,
so your site will be place on an appropriate page.

If you are interested in swaping links please send me your website details.
I am sorry if I wasting your time and have a nice day!

Best Regards,
Quintana Nellis

29-11-05 à 16:25

Dear Webmaster,

I have some good websites, whose resource pages are with good page rank by Google.
I am looking to exchanging links. We have many categories,
so your site will be place on an appropriate page.

If you are interested in swaping links please send me your website details.
I am sorry if I wasting your time and have a nice day!

Best Regards,
Quintana Nellis

29-11-05 à 16:26

Dear Webmaster,

I have some good websites, whose resource pages are with good page rank by Google.
I am looking to exchanging links. We have many categories,
so your site will be place on an appropriate page.

If you are interested in swaping links please send me your website details.
I am sorry if I wasting your time and have a nice day!

Best Regards,
Quintana Nellis

29-11-05 à 16:25

Dear Webmaster,

I have some good websites, whose resource pages are with good page rank by Google.
I am looking to exchanging links. We have many categories,
so your site will be place on an appropriate page.

If you are interested in swaping links please send me your website details.
I am sorry if I wasting your time and have a nice day!

Best Regards,
Quintana Nellis

29-11-05 à 16:25

Dear Webmaster,

I have some good websites, whose resource pages are with good page rank by Google.
I am looking to exchanging links. We have many categories,
so your site will be place on an appropriate page.

If you are interested in swaping links please send me your website details.
I am sorry if I wasting your time and have a nice day!

Best Regards,
Quintana Nellis